We recognize and appreciate the valuable assistance and support that is given to the school by room parents.
Each homeroom will be assigned two room parents, if possible. The following role description was developed to
ensure a mutual understanding between school personnel and room parents concerning the various activities for
which room parents are responsible:
In all grades, room parents:
Act as chairpersons for planning two simple parties, one for Halloween and one for Valentine’s Day
May be asked to chaperone field trips, if needed
Will be contacted by teachers for any emergency need during the year
Recruit volunteers, when needed
May be asked to help with fundraisers
Receive a list of homeroom parents who have offered to volunteer for a specific activity
6th grade room parents chair the planning and serving of the parish’s confirmation reception
7th grade room parents chair the planning and serving of the graduation banquet
8th grade room parents are expected to help chaperone all 8th grade activities when needed and to coordinate the confirmation retreat luncheon
All room parents must consult with the teacher and/or principal when planning activities for a particular class